GUITAR NECK FINISHING - maple, bass kit StingRay

METHOD USED : To achieve this finish on the MusicMan StingRay bass neck kit, these products were used in taking care to sand the handle beforehand:

  • a natural water-based filler,
  • a honey-colored liquid tincture,
  • Brilliant water-based varnish (approximately 500mL is required).

The filler was mixed with the dye and applied to the back and head of the guitar neck: 2 coats. Then a new coat of stain was applied to adjust the shade of the handle as desired. Finally, a water-based varnish was applied with a brush with light sanding between coats. 6 coats of varnish have been applied.

EXPERT COMMENT : Quite usual technique, very well done on this neck of our StingRay kit guitar. Note that on maple filler is not necessarily necessary since the pores are very tight and you can just apply stain and varnish. In this case, the varnish will require ~ 2 additional coats. Be careful to let dry between coats. Also if you are equipped it is more interesting to spray the varnish and you can also to reduce the quantity and have a better grip of the varnish first to pass the water-based primer. Finally a polishing step # 10 can be interesting if you want more shine.

PRODUCTS TO OBTAIN THIS FINISH : This finish can be reproduced by selecting our guitar finishing kit kit: WATER-BASED FINISHING KIT - DYE AND NATURAL and selecting for example:

  • A honey-colored dye
  • A glossy water-based varnish 1L

We also recommend a Préval spray for the last coats and can be Polishing # 5 if you want a shinier finish. Note that if you prefer the varnish can be replaced by polyurethane or nitrocellulose varnish